miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

East Side of the Island

Here are a few botanical pictures from the east side of Mallorca, where I went this last weekend. I am meeting with a botany professor tomorrow so hopefully I will get some books on the flora of the island so I can give more details about what these pictures are of.

There were tons of these tiny little palms everywhere! They are called palmitos (Chamaerops humilis) and they are native to Mallorca.

Smilax aspera ssp. balearica

Lots of beautiful Araceae leaves popping up everywhere..

Some wild rosemary...

Fruticose lichens!

There are large patches of this orange lichen all over the place at the beach called Cala Varquez.

This hillside will be gorgeous in the spring with all those flower stalks covered in some kind of Lilliaceous flowers

I promise the next post will be way more descriptive!

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