lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011

Lichens, Bryophytes, and Fungus...I Oh My!

This was covering the majority of the cement walls at the Bellver Forest and I think it is Buellia  canescens, but don't quote me on that!

Unknown little blue crustose lichen. This was the only place I saw this specimen. 

Unknown white and black crustose lichen that was very common on soil mixed in with bryophyte species. 

The common gelatinous cyanolichen Leptogium brebissonii.

I think this is the liverwort Fossombronia and it was all over the place! Did not have the luck to see any sporophytes with hyaline setae. 

And another crustose lichen on a rock. One day I will know what it is. 

This terricolous lichen is all over the place as well but I can't seem to figure out what it is!

A tiny epilithic crustose lichen.

Good 'ol Xanthoria parietina. This time on a rock!

Caldonia pyxidata without fruiting bodies. 

Cladonia pyxidata with fruiting bodies. 

So cool! A very cute lichen if I do say so myself. 

Is this gelatinous cyanolichen Collema nigrescens (which I'm pretty sure I did see but didn't collect! grrr) or is it just more Leptogium brebissonii.

The beauty that are bryophytes. 

A nice robust moss. Or musgo, in Spanish. 

Some kind of cute little Peziza.

Moss and a mushy. 

Moss and another mushy. 

Some Xanthoria parietina on an wild olive tree (Olea europea var. sylvestris). 

A crustose epiphyte that could be Lecanora dispersa.

More X. parietina. 


Cladonia rangiformis just carpets the ground in some areas. 

Cladonia rangiformis

A nice shot of Ramalina pusilla. 

The tiny Physcia adscendens. 

Some Ramalina pusilla and a white and grey crusty. 

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