viernes, 15 de abril de 2011


I love learning about the organisms that the study of Botany encompasses. In particular, mycology, lichenology, and ecology of plants are my main interests.

I am currently an undergraduate botany student at Humboldt State University in California. I think I want to continue on to get my masters degree when I graduate but I don't know where I want to go yet.

In late September I am going to live in Spain in the Balearic Islands for 8 months working as a student
assistant teaching English. I am minoring in Spanish, that is how I have gotten this amazing opportunity. While there, I will be doing my senior thesis on the macrolichens on the island I am living on, probably Mallorca.

I will be using this blog to describe cool botanical discoveries I make in Northern California, Spain, Europe and wherever else life takes me.

This little beauty is the White-Flowered Rein Orchid, Piperia candida, and it is endangered in California, according to the California Native Plant Society.I found it on a hike around my boyfriend's parents property in Mendocino County. This is the only native orchid I have ever seen in California so it was very exciting. Later that week, I found 8 more individuals along the road! They are relatively abundant in that area evidently.

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